Thursday, February 12, 2009

Now I Know My ABC’s

By Andrea Jeppesen

Knowing the alphabet is a necessary precursor to learning how to read. Children who know their ABC’s before starting school have a huge advantage over those who don’t. Here is a list of some fun ways to help your child learn. If you have any other suggestions, please share! What fun things have you done at your house?

1. The Alphabet Song – point to the letters as you sing

2. Find the Letters on Everyday Objects – cereal boxes, at the store, around the house

3. Alphabet Coloring Pages – for example, (

4. Letters of their Name - Start by just saying aloud the spelling of their name. If you can come up with a little song for the letters of their name then the learning is usually much faster. For example, if your child has a 5 letter name try replacing the letters of the song BINGO with the letters of your child’s name

5. Tracing Their Name – on paper, or in salt, sand, gel, fingerpaint, pudding, or shaving cream.

6. Tracing the Letters of the Alphabet – use same ideas as above

7. Playdough - roll out and make the letter (or use a toothpick to write the letter on the playdough).

8. Magnetic letters – on the fridge or cookie sheet

9. Matching Games – talk about the shapes of the upper and lower case letters. Are they the same or different?

10. Take your finger and trace the letters on the palm of the hand or on your child's back.

11. Practice using sticky notes and label objects in the house that begin with the letter.

12. Alphabet Stamps – useful for alphabet recognition, making words, and spelling

13. Eating the alphabet – form letters using vegetables, pretzels, potato sticks, and candy. Decorate cupcakes, cakes or cookies using frosting tubes to print letters. Squeeze mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, or jelly letters out of containers to enhance your food. Try Alphabits Cereal for breakfast and name the letters.

Anderson, Sheila. Teach the Alphabet: 8 Fun Tips to Teach Your Child the Alphabet, 2009.
Mascle, Deanna. 15 Tips For Helping Children With Learning the Alphabet Letters, 2007.


  1. What a riot! There are so many fun ways to teach children that are so simple and yet I would have never thought of them. Thank you so much for sharing. This blog is a delight!

  2. I probably shouldn't mention television as a teaching tool...but both my kids learned their letters and sounds from the leapfrog DVD The Letter Factory! I still sing the song in my head sometimes....
